LA DWP Asleep at the Switch?

Now this would be a scene worthy of Jeopardy!
Contestant: "I'll take bureacratic nightmares with no possible workable solution, for $1,000, Alex"
Alex Trebek: "This municipal utility, the nation's largest, has a mandate to deliver 20% of its power from renewable sources by the year 2010, but so far, it's done squat and any hope to meet the deadline has probably vanished."
Conestant: "What is the LA DWP, Alex?"
Alex Trebek: "Righ you are!"
The LA Times yesterday ran a long piece on how utterly unprepared the DWP is to meet the renewable energy mandate. According to the Times:
"So far the transition has been slow, and critics are skeptical that the agency has the will or know-how to make such a significant shift so quickly. The $3.9-billion department — by far the city's largest — is widely seen as insular, if not arrogant, and has at times been hostile to pressure from outsiders."
A week or so ago, we mentioned the San Francisco's Chronicle's claim that California as a whole was not prepared to meet the new renewables standard. This is, at best, a distrubing "us too" from DWP.
DWP at an Energy Crossroads [Los Angeles Times]
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