California Is All Talk on Green Energy.

In Texas they have a saying about pretentious folks who pretend to be cowboys: "All hat, no cattle." That would seem to apply to just about everyone in California who has spouted off in the media about California's commitment to renewable energy-- a commitment the San Francisco Chronicle reports is really just a glorified photo op.
According to the Chronicle:
"Despite overwhelming public and political support for renewable power, ratepayer contributions of $319 million, and a 2002 law mandating a dramatic increase in the use of sun and wind to create megawatts, California has boosted its use of renewable energy by less than 1 percent of the state's overall electricity use in the past four years."
Bureaucratic red tape apparently is to blame, but if the past is any prediction of the future, bureacratic red tape isn't going anywhere-- and, apparently netither is green energy.
State red tape trips up green energy efforts [San Francisco Chronicle]
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