Did she really say THAT?

I don't mean to beat a dead horse on the Long Beach LNG project, but this morning I read one of the greatest quotes ever from an elected official and the only context in which I can bring it up in this blog is by tying it to the Long Beach project. (Sorry.)
According to LA Voice, Los Angeles City Council Member Janice Hahn, whose district includes the Port of Los Angeles (which is adjacent to the Port of Long Beach, where Sound Energy Solutions wants to build an LNG terminal) floored an audience in the Valley yesterday:
Hahn, called the Port, Los Angeles's most vulnerable terrorist target and cited a RAND study that predicted 60,000 deaths and 150,000 radiation exposures in the event a nuclear bomb went off (presumably in one of the uninspected cargo containers).
Hahn then cheerfully added, "If it doesn't get blown up," we're going to build a park there for family-friendly recreation!
Why didn't I think of that? Build a family-friendly park on LA's single biggest terrorist target! Maybe it could be called "LNG World," and kids could ride a roller coaster that banks around the massive re-gassification terminal... As for siting an LNG terminal adjacent to a terrorist target, you've heard all about that already.
I mean, you can't make this stuff up...
VICA Lunch: Taxes, Terror, Cops, Crime & Boat Smog [lavoice.org]
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