Wednesday, March 04, 2009

L.A. Gets a Gold (Energy) Star

Los Angeles has topped a lot of lists in its day-- often a dubious distinction, to say the least (smog, traffic, etc.) But now, along comes a blue ribbon that the City can actually be proud of.

The EPA has labeled LA the most energy efficient city in America (in terms of commercial real estate anyway) based on the number of Energy Star Certifications issued to buildings in the City.

According to the Times:

"The EPA awarded the most Energy Star ratings in the country last year to Los Angeles, where 262 buildings earned the agency's conservation designation. Energy Star buildings use at least 35% less energy than average buildings and emit 35% less carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. "

San Francisco came in second nationally, followed by Houston; Washington; Dallas-Fort Worth; Chicago; Denver; Minneapolis-St. Paul; Atlanta; and Seattle.

L.A. tops rankings in energy efficiency [Los Angeles Times]

** Post Addendum: Even though there are still al ot of votes to be counted, it looks as if the Controversial Measure B in Los Angeles has been defeated.