The Holidays are officially over...

Now that all the holiday decorations have been put away and the the cobwebs have cleared from New Year's celebrations, folks are getting back in the swing of things and that can only mean one thing: LNG in Malibu is back on the radar screen!
The Malibu Surfide News today reports that a direct mail piece from Gov. Schwarzenegger's office sent over the holidays is causing some concern among anti-LNG advocates.
In the letter, the Governor appears to retreat from the earlier statement that he had not "made up his mind" about whether to support Cabrillo Port. Now, he pledges to hold the project to the letter of California's strict environmental requirements, but any mention of being undecided is conspicuously absent.
The Governor's office says his position is unchanged but Malibu is gearing for a fight. Accordnig to the Surfside News, private citizens and the City of Malibu are in the process of raising half a million dollars for an aggressive, expensive court challenge.
Governor’s LNG ‘Message’ Has Coastal Residents Concerned [Malibu Surfside News]
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