Arnold Digs Deep For Energy Research.

Yesterday, news reports noted that Gov. Schwarzenneger weas resting comfortably after surgery to repair a broken leg, and that he was working on his forthcoming budget proposal from his hospital bed. According to the blogger WattHead, that budget will include $95 million in research funds to create the Governor's Research and Innovation Initiative which will provide funding for major projects that will increase California’s economic strength in key innovation sectors, including cleantech, biotech and nanotech."
Two critical elements of the project will be funding for the Helios Project and for UC Berkeley/UC San Diego, should either of those institutions win BP's grant to create an Energy Biosciences Insitute.
$30 million in lease revenue bonds would be allocated to the Helios project which, according to WattHead is:
"an initiative by the University of California’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory to create sustainable, carbon-neutral sources of energy. The Helios Project will produce the next generation of super-efficient solar energy technology that will help reduce greenhouse gases and oil dependency.
The Helios Project’s four goals are 1) generate clean sustainable alternatives to hydrocarbon fuels; 2) develop new energy sources; 3) improve energy conservation; and 4) reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The $30 million will be used to build a new energy/nanotechnology research building for the Helios Project."
For more on the BP Energery Biosciences Insitute, check out this earlier post.
Best wishes for a happy and safe new year...
California Governor Proposes $95 Million Research Fund for Cleantech, Biotech, Nanotech [WattHead]
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