Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Long Beach Delays LNG decision...again

Time keeps on slipping into the future for a proposal for an onshore liqquefied natural gas terminal in Long Beach, California.

For the second time in two months, the City Council shied away from taking a position on a proposed liquefied natural gas terminal in the Port of Long Beach until an upcoming environmental review is completed.

And again, the vote was split 5-4 following emotional debate about the potential risks or benefits of the terminal proposed by Sound Energy Solutions, a Mitsubishi and ConocoPhillips subsidiary.

"I want to get my information from policy experts," said Councilman Patrick O'Donnell, who joined Jackie Kell, Laura Richardson, Tonia Reyes Uranga and Val Lerch in thwarting a move to oppose the project. "It's that simple. I'm waiting for it."