Winds of Change

The portability of the device would seem to address two of the major problems with wind energy. Because it can be taken down and raised fairly easily, it alleviates the need for a permanent structure that would raise community opposition, and it can be deployed as conditions permit in less remote areas.
But, one look at the comment thread on, and you can see this is going to have some issues. Within the first dozen posts, doubters quickly segued from musings about possible bird nestings to a detailed back and forth about how to shoot one of these balloons down! Apparently this could be a real issue and, as evivdence thereof, one poster even chimed in offering the apparently little reported phenomenon of shooting at grounded airliners being transported by rail through Kansas.
It's an out of the box solution, for sure, but only time will tell if has legs.
Magenn Power Floats Balloon Wind Turbine [Daily]
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