Pacific Ethanol Making the Best of a Bad Situation

Wall Street was expecting a loss of $.09 per share and Pacific turned in an EPS of $0.06. According to the write-up in the Sacramento Bee:
"The company made it up on volume. Pacific Ethanol has been trying to achieve a significant marketing position throughout the West, and it seems to be working. Sales hit a record $161.5 million in the first quarter, up 63 percent from a year earlier and slightly better than expected by analysts."
Pacific was refreshingly candid in its filing, admitting to an "overall softening" of the ethanol industry, as it took a $38 million write-down on an investment in an ethanol plant in Colorado. But, while ethanol on the whole might be a boondoggle, that's not to say that owning a significant part of the market can't be profitable-- clearly it can.
But Pacific has had its share of problems, as the Bee notes:
"Pacific Ethanol has been hit with a slew of problems lately, notably cost overruns on its plant construction projects. The company was so squeezed for cash that it had to sell $40 million in preferred shares earlier so squeezed for cash that it had to sell $40 million in preferred shares earlier this year."
Pacific Ethanol's booming sales delight Wall Street [Sacramento Bee]
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