Spinning Carbon Statistics

According to the group's report, California, the front lines in the war against carbon emissions, has failed miserably despite its highly touted and heavily promoted efforts to go green: Emissions from California power plants grew from 37.8 million tons in 2006 to 42.5 million tons in 2007.
But wait, spun another way, California is doing great. According to the San Jose Mercury News' Matt Nauman:
"Overall, when measuring carbon-dioxide emissions per megawatt hour of electricity generated, California ranks very low - 45th out of the 50 states - data shows. For comparison, California's 42.5 tons in 2007 compared to 262 million tons in Texas and 139 million in Ohio."
So, population growth is driving increased demand and, the apparent environmental efficiency of our energy production notwithstanding, we are still losing the fight against greenhouse gas emissions, with a one-year net gain in carbon emissions that ranks among the top 10 in the nation.
Pretty grim.
California had big hike in carbon-dioxide emissions [San Jose Mercury News]
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