Do As I Say, Not As I Do

Sparked by the recent car-jacking of Don Perata and his fire-engine-red, $38,000 gas-guzzline Dodge Charger (that your tax dollars pay for), the Trib took a look at some of the rides our Assembly Members and Senators are driving on your dime.
Not surprisingly, GOP members tended to have more expensive cars with lower gas mileage. According to the Trib, "GOP senators drive state vehicles that average 19 mpg to the Democrats' 30 mpg, the survey found. Republicans also chose cars that cost nearly $3,000 more on average. Assembly Republicans, at 24 mpg, get 6 mpg less than Democrats and picked cars that cost nearly $4,000 more — although the state caps its costs."
The Republican rebuttal? They tend to live in more rural, rugged districts that require longer drives and sturdier cars. Case in point, Minority Leader Dick Ackerman's "rural," "rugged" district of Anaheim! (In fairness, he only drives an Explorer but it does post a pretty lame 15 mpg).
Democrats are not immune however as the Tribune shines a light on liberal Senator Joe Simitian's pricey Chrysler 300 and notes he could get more comfort at a cheaper price with a hybrid Altima.
Sorry, there is no comprehensive list of who drives what, but of the examples cited, our favorite-- by far-- is Sen. Tom Torlakson (D-Antioch) who drives a 2000 Chevy Camaro!!!!! Stud.
Many California lawmakers still drive gas-guzzlers [Oakland Tribune]
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