Pistols at dawn!

There's nothing like a good old fashioned poltical catfight played out in the media! Writing in the Malibu Times, former Long Beach Councilman Frank Colonna offers an elegantly worded, but stinging rebuke, of the Malibu Millionaires.
Colonna is perturbed over-- what he believes to be-- Malibu's support of an LNG facility in Long Beach as an alternative to Cabrillo Port. He calls the MM's NIMBY's and hypocrites, claiming that their objection to Cabrillo Port on environmental grounds is ridiculous given that they, themselves are inveterate polluters. (Colonna calls Malibu "one of the least environmentally friendly regions in Southern California" due to its chronic septic tank and runoff pollution problems).
Summarizing his displeasure, Colonna states:
"For a region that makes no shortage of high-pitched pronouncements on how everyone else should live a more environmentally conscious lifestyle, it should come as a fairly humbling blow to be exposed as a persistent polluter. And yet, Malibu's public leaders and celebrity residents show no signs of slowing down the pace of scolding the rest of Southern California."
But all of this might be a moot point if a published report in yesterday's Press Telegram is to be believed: Long Beach Oil and Gas Director Chris Garner scoffs at Sound Energy Solutions' offer of $500 million over 40 years to the City of Long Beach. Garner said that number is not "fair and reasonable for a project of this magnitude."
Given this development, along with Long Beach Mayor Foster's recent comments, it doesn't look like there's going to be an LNG terminal in Long Beach any time soon.
NIMYBY-ism in Malibu? [Malibut Times]
$500M for LNG plant not worth it [Long Beach Press Telegram]
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