A Hollywood Ending for the LNG Debate?

An oped by author/consumer advocate Tom Elias in today's Daily Breeze speculates that LNG in California is doomed because Gov. Schwarzenneger won't be able to stand up to his erstwhile colleagues in Hollywood.
The author compares the Malibu Millionaires to the Chumash Indian tribe who blocked a similar proposal by claiming "sacred ground":
But now arises the new "tribe," all Malibu residents and property owners. Members include Barbra Streisand, Jamie Lee Curtis, Tom Hanks, Daryl Hannah, Ed Harris, Woody Harrelson, Olivia Newton John, Jane Seymour, Craig T. Nelson, Charlize Theron and Dick Van Dyke.
Malibu may be as sacred to them as Point Conception is to the Chumash, and Billiton's plant might mar the views they've paid millions of dollars to enjoy. So, they've signed letters of protest and turned out for anti-LNG rallies.
Not much new here (but heaven help me if I don't post it!!!)
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