Calling Out California On Renewable Energy.

The Sacramento Bee has a great oped by FPL Energy's Dianne Fellman that clearly and cogently makes the case that California is all talk when it comes to renewable energy. Her argument is that California's burdonsome, bureacratic regulatory culture is driving alternative energy entrepreneurs to other states.
Some highlights:
"But the state of California needs to examine what is stopping major investment today from the private sector in order to meet our clean-energy objectives. Regrettably, California is losing its environmental leadership position to other states that are doing more than just talking about renewables."
"What takes months in many states can take a year or more in California. Many other companies have experienced similar frustrations in trying to bring renewable sources online. The result? Investors vote with their wallets, and elect to build alternative-energy power sources in other states."
"Californians are worried about the impacts of global climate change. One of the best things policymakers can do is create a streamlined regulatory process that supports the development of renewables without compromising the other environmental values cherished in this state."
Diane Fellman: State should refocus on renewable energy [Sacramento Bee]
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