Tuesday, September 12, 2006

SDG&E Tranmission Line Project Moves Forward.

SDG&E's "Sunrise Powerlink" project has cleared a bureaucratic hurdle with the California Public Utilites Commission. The PUC has declared all of application paperwork to be in order and will now proceed with the all-important environmental evaluation and public comment period.

Sunrise Powerlink is a proposed 150 mile transmission line from the Imperial Valley to San Diego that, according to SDG&E, will:
"improve energy reliability for local homes and businesses, but also will deliver clean energy from renewable resources to help the utility meet statewide renewable energy goals, and will reduce overall energy costs for customers..."

Of course, as with all projects in California, with the environmental review still pending, this is anything but a slam dunk.

State Regulators Deem SDG&E's Sunrise Powerlink Application 'Complete' [SDG&E Press Release]