Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Energy Secretary Nominee Samuel Bodman: LNG Safe

George Bush's Energy Secretary Nominee, Samuel Bodman, is sharing his thoughts on liquefied natural gas--a critical component in California's energy future--as he goes through the confirmation process:

Several environmentalists and local officials have blocked energy companies plans' to build terminals designed to receive shipments of LNG, calling the terminals terrorists targets and fire hazards. Bodman, however, seems to see LNG terminals as safe.

"With regards to the safety of LNG, my experience leads me to strongly believe that safe operation is not only achievable, but is to be expected," he said.

Environmentalists and local officials concerns over LNG terminals being built in their communities have spurred a debate over whether it's the federal government or state agencies that have authority over approving LNG projects. In fact, California energy regulators have recently taken the issue to the courts, arguing that the state agency, not the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, should be able to decide whether or not an LNG terminal should be sited in Long Beach, Calif.

According to Bodman, the federal government is in charge. "I believe it is in the national interest for jurisdiction over the licensing of these facilities to reside at the federal level, just as it does for interstate natural gas transmission lines," he said. Dow Jones Energy Service