Friday, January 21, 2005

South Coast AQMD goes after BP-ARCO

Air quality officials are seeking $184 million from BP-ARCO for violations at its refineries:

Southern California's chief air pollution regulator filed a $184- million lawsuit Thursday against BP, alleging that the company had continually failed to fully inspect its Carson refinery for leaks of smog-forming chemicals.

It is the second such legal action by the South Coast Air Quality Management District against BP in two years. Together, the suits seek $597 million in penalties from the company, formerly known as BP-Arco.

The latest suit alleges that the Carson refinery repeatedly failed to maintain, inspect and repair thousands of pieces of equipment, including more than a dozen petroleum storage tanks, from 2002 to 2004, as required by law. The earlier suit alleged similar violations from 1994 to 2002.

Ultimately, however, it will be the customers who pay--in higher gas prices.