SDG&E Can't Lose

SDG&E has reveald that it expects to sepnd over $125 million on the permitting process alone! This is not all that surprising when you consider that the project boasts a 7,500 page EIR and significant pockets of opposition all along its proposed route. And $125 million is just a drop in the bucket compared to the $1.5 billion the project will ultimately cost in total.
But don't shed a tear for SDG&E. Even if Sunrise gets killed, SDG&E plans to "recover its costs" from ratepayers across the state. According to the Union Tribune:
"SDG&E plans to recover its costs from ratepayers throughout California. Niggli said the utility can recover its skyrocketing application costs even if the California Public Utility Commission rejects the Sunrise Powerlink project.
Under law, SDG&E would ask the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to recover its costs from the utility customers of the California Independent System Operator, which operates the state's power grid. Such customers include SDG&E, Southern California Edison and Pacific Gas and Electric."
Powerlink's preliminary price nearly $126 million [San Diego Union Tribune]
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