Monday, March 05, 2007

A Meeting of the Minds.

CAL-EPA is hosting a major skull session this week to determine what strategies to pursue to help the state comply with the state's greenhouse gas emissions mandate.

According to the Sacramento Bee, "For the next three days, energy and climate change experts from around the world will convene in Sacramento to discuss the best ways for the state to quickly shrink its carbon footprint."

The challenge, as you know, is to turn back the clock on greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels by the year 2020. Don't expect anything earth-shattering to come out of this confab, rather, a collection of smaller initiatives is more likely.

The Air Resources Board has until June 30 to release its list of early reduction strategies so there is some sense of urgency at this meeting. The Bee notes that, because of the tight turnaround, don't expect any regulations having anything to do with automobiles-- efficiency improvements in things like, heating, cooling and lighting are probably more along the lines of what you will see.

Greenhouse gas brainstorming [Sacramento Bee]