Monday, February 12, 2007

The Other Side Weighs In on Long Beach LNG.

Writing in the Sunday San Jose Mercury News, Sullivan Marsden (Stanford University Professor Emeritus) condemned the Long Beach decision to kill the Sound Energy Solutions LNG project.

His argument? Life isn't safe and we're kidding ourselves by "adopting the attitude that we can insulate ourselves from energy incapacity, especially in a time of rising concern over price stability and global warming."

He goes on to argue that domestic natural gas supplies will never meet demand and that we need LNG:

"So LNG needs to be rethought. Like it or not, we are now part of a new global market in natural gas. Thus, we need to build the infrastructure to bring in LNG from the Caribbean, the Middle East, Africa, South America and possibly Russia. And that's going to require siting one or more terminals on the Pacific Coast, preferably in California."
(I can already hear the conspiracy theorists musing about the timing of this piece, only days after the Sound Energy Solutions lawsuit over was filed over LNG!)

Natural gas too important to fall prey to NIMBY attitudes [San Jose Mercury News]