The Sun Shines on Google.

Google plans to install a massive solar-power system at its headquarters, committing to one of the largest corporate solar installations in the country at a time when technology companies' support for alternative energy is on the rise.
The search company says the system, which is expected to be operational in early 2007, will supply about 30% of the peak energy needs of six buildings in and around its Mountain View, Calif., headquarters.
The system is being installed at an undisclosed price by Energy Innovations Inc. of Pasadena, Calif., which says such solar installations typically pay for themselves in power-cost savings in five to 10 years and last about 25 years.
Google, which trades at approximately 55x earnings makes no secret about its penchant for doing deals that defy economic sense (because it can afford to), so this could be just a publicity stunt to reinforce its oft-lampooned credo, "Don't be evil."
However, if it works, look for Sergey and Larry to go solar at their various massive, power-sucking server farms, the first of which is currently under construction in Oregon.
Google Campus to Get Solar Power As Alternative Fuels Gain Interest [Wall Street Journal]
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