Friday, February 11, 2005

CPUC begins conservations Benchmarking

The California Public Utilities Commission is looking to track the best practices in Conservation:

California's investor-owned utilities and energy commissions have sponsored an effort to systematically benchmark and draw lessons learned from programs implemented throughout the United States. The new Energy Efficiency Best Practices Web site was developed to communicate excellent practices in order to enhance the design, implementation, and evaluation of energy efficiency programs.

The information on the site was compiled for the California Public Utilities Commission by a team of contractors led by Quantum Consulting, Inc. Pacific Gas and Electric Company managed the project in association with the California Energy Commission, Southern California Edison Company, San Diego Gas and Electric Company, and Southern California Gas Company.

The project used a benchmarking methodology to identify best practices across a variety of program types. Each report presents a detailed analysis comparing benchmarked programs within a particular area. The Web site also contains profiles of 90 energy efficiency programs from around the country.