Tuesday, December 21, 2004

San Diego residents to foot $790 million energy bill?

San Diego Gas & Electric Co. is appealing a decision by the California Public Utilities Commission to shift $790 million in energy costs to the company's customers.

"San Diego Gas & Electric Co. will appeal a decision by the California Public Utilities Commission to shift $790 million in energy costs to the company's customers, it was announced Monday.
The PUC vote is part of a plan to cover $7.4 billion that the state expects to pay for remaining long-term energy contracts entered into during the 2000-01 energy crisis.

SDG&E contends that the PUC failed to take into consideration how the cost shift would impact energy rates. The company also argues that the methodology used by the commission to adopt its energy cost allocation formula was flawed, and gives San Diego an unfair portion of the bill."