Monday, September 20, 2004

Oxnard Lawyer Tim Riley's jihad on LNG Challenged

One of the obvious benefits for Sempra and ChevronTexaco seeking to locate their LNG terminals in Mexico are the less-stringent environmental regulations and less litigious society. Along the Ventura County Coast, Oxnard lawyer Tim Riley has made a name for himself opposing LNG...but it isn't necessarily a good one as Bill Saracino explains:

If you get past the crude graphic and pursue the link, you will find as exhibit A in the case against LNG an explosion that struck Cleveland, Ohio. I thought the pictures looked a bit dated so I read further into the story and eventually discovered that this explosion occurred in 1944. Seems like just yesterday, I guess, when you’re busy holding back the tide of progress.

To be fair, exhibit B is an LNG accident that occurred this year ... in Algeria. Algiers being a well-known high-tech center, I am confident they have all the modern equipment and safety devices that California has — just as confident as I am that Madonna is a virgin. Oh, and the accident in question was, in fact, the explosion of a boiler, not of LNG.

As they do for other disengenuous filmmakers, those pesky facts can get in the way!